Super Image Tool


• Support for Erofs / Ext4 / Ext2 d/ F2fs devices
• Unpack your desired super.img or extract super.img from your device automatically
• You can unpack any super.img (In Raw or Sparse format)
• Adjust and expand your partitions
• You can edit your partitions at any time (You only need to use option 2 directly if you already used option 1)
• Menu Extras (Debloat Automatic / Debloat Manual Console / Debloat Manual / Fix Overlay RW / DFE Decrypt / Expand & Adjust you Partitions)
• Super image in RW
• Compile without changing the super image signature
• Export in raw and sparse your super image
• Remove verification on your vbmeta files (You can add the ones you want or it will extract the vbmeta available on your device to disable verification)
• Interactive menu, easy to use

Magisk, Ksu or Apatch 
• Flash the zip and reboot you device.

 🔰 Info and use of the Tool:
• Open Termux App and type: su -c super (then press enter)

 1- Unpack Super Image: It will unpack the subpartitions inside super , you can add the super image you want or directly edit the super of your device in use. If you want to edit a different super image than the one in use add the super.img file in /data/local/Super_Image/FILES/SUPER

 2- Edit Partitions & Repack Super: Use this option once you have used "option 1" Here the process will read the information from your super image and subpartitions, make a resize to get more free space so you can freely expand the extra size you want. Remember that if you want your super image to compile in RW, you must give at least a small amount of space to your subpartitions so that it will be able to store the necessary files for this function. When the script is paused follow the instructions on the termux screen, don't forget that to edit your subpartitions you must run as root with the MT manager app the file then proceed to edit your subpartitions, once you are done run the file to save the changes made. Go back to termux and type done to continue with the process. When your super image is finished compiling it will ask you if you want to export your super as sparse format (This format can be useful to be flashed by fastboot/ fastbootd) type "yes" if you want to export it in sparse or type "no" if you want to skip this process.  You can find your modified super image at: /data/local/Super_Image/FILES/SUPER

 3- Disable verity vbmeta: Use this option only if it is necessary for you. The super image compiles with the original signature so there is no need to disable the signature on the vbmeta files. But in case your device needs it you can use this option. Here you can add the vbmeta you want from the device you are using or from other devices the path is: /data/local/Super_Image/FILES/VBMETA. If you want to use the ones from the device you are using the Tool will do it automatically for you. Disabling it will do it for all the vbmeta you added or that your device has available.

 4- Clean Folder Projects: You can choose which folder to clean from the project

 🔰 Extra:
When you run the Tool in termux it will export a zip file to your phone's internal memory with the name "" for be flashed in a custom recovery, this zip is an installer where you can flash your modified super image (both in raw and sparse format) it can also flash the vbmeta. The zip has options where you can choose what to select. 

Use volume + to install the super image and vol - to skip the installation. If you choose vol + it will tell you if you want to install the super image in raw or sparse format . Vol + select raw and proceed with the installation / vol - select sparse and use vol + again to select and proceed with the installation. 

• For VBMETA OPTION: Use vol + to flash the vbmeta files and vol - to skip this process. 

• For WIPE OPTION: vol + to do a format data of your device , vol - to skip this process . Then you can reboot

Devices Tested and working: 
- Motorola G20 (Unisoc)
- Note 13 Pro 5G (Garnet) 
- Redmi note 12S (Sea) 
- Redmi Note 10 Pro (Sweet)

Me for the project I did
BlassGO for the amazing DI project, which was used for the zip installer, and some of the project's features
kory-vadim dev of UKA Tool for some binaries used in my project
Google for nice binaries for unpack & repack super image
JR4450 Thank you for your patience in testing from the first phase of the project..