│● Based in the firmware stock 68-66-3
│● Base Lite, fast and optimized
│● Fully customizable (Mods On-fly)
│● Two Roms in 1 (Version Lite & Version Edition)
│● Support Monet
│● Many Styles Desing
│● and more...
SyneXOS Edition Features
┇ Themer Monet ┇
│● System BG Color only for Dark Mode (11 Colors)
│● System Acent Color for White mode (14 Colors)
│● System Acent Color for Dark mode (16 Colors)
┇ Status bar ┇
│● SystemUI Tuner
│● Status Bar Size
│● Dual Status Bar
│● Custom Carrier (For DSB)
│● Network Traffic (For DSB)
│● Status Bar BG
│● BG Clock Control
│● BG Notifications
│● BG for Signal
│● BG for Battery
│● Styles Icons WiFi
│● Styles Icons Signal
│● Background Battery Stock (9 colors)
│● Foreground Battery Stock (10 colors)
┇ Notification Panel] ┇
│● Round UI Panel (8dp to 40dp)
│● Header Panel Clock Styles (19 Styles)
│● Header Panel Clock Gravity
│● Header Panel Styles (Outline / Gradient / Semi Transparent)
│● Noti Panel Styles (Outline /Gradient)
│● Brightness Bar Styles (Side Border / A12 / Color OS / Outline)
│● Brightness Icon Thumb Styles (A12 / Bar / Circle / Square)
│● Shape Icons (10 Styles)
│● Icons UI Panel ( 5 Packs Styles)
│● Full Panel BG Image with & without support Monet
│● QuickSettings Panel BG Image with & without Monet
┇ Display ┇
│● Custom Fonts (46 fonts)
│● Inmersive Mode (Hide status bar & Navigation)
│● Display Color Control
┇ Navigation Bar ┇
│● 22 Navigation bar Styles
│● Navigation Bar Size (0dp to 48dp)
│● Navigation Bar Pill Styles (+ Monet Support)
│● Navigation Bar Pill Width (90dp to 280dp)
│● Navigation Bar Pill Height (1.0dp to 4.0dp)
│● Navigation Bar Pill Gravity (-1dp to -3.2dp)
┇ Miscellaneous ┇
│● Lockscreen Clock Styles (12 Styles)
│● BG Settings ( 6 gradients options)
│● Card BG Settings (Gradient / Transparent / Outline)
│● Icons Panel Volume (4 pack Styles)
│● Toogle Switch On/Off (10 Styles)
│● BG Shape Icons Settings (Monet Support & Dual Tone Colors)
│● Icons Styles Settings (4 pack Styles)
│● First you must have TWRP installed
│● Select the zip of the Rom and click Install
│● In the installation select which version you want to install
│● In the installation select if you want to do Wipe
│● Wait a few minutes and reboot
│● Enjoy the Rom
│● No bugs, Stable
The cost of the ROM is a minimum amount of $5, in the link below you can consult the payment methods and obtain the direct link (Link of the Rom, extras and more)
If you think it's worth buying it and supporting the project (Excellent thanks ♡) if you can't continue using the free version that is on this page